Links & Resources

The website below is a FANTASTIC site for practice quizzes, grammar notes, etc. The catch is that you have to create an account with an email. You CAN'T use your school google account because you have to be able to activate the account from an email. But signing up for a free student account allows you to access your "report card" which will show you how you did and what you missed on each quiz.


Click on the link below to access Sr. Wooly's site. Use the student log-in and password to view the videos, songs and activities.

log-in: estudiante1        password: stannes

Sr. Wooly's Site


Click on the link below to access lots of practice activities and games. Remember that you can put the specific grammar topic or vocab list in the search engine and narrow your search. You can also choose out textbook and narrow activities that way.

"Quia" Practice Activities


Click on the link below for the BEST grammar activities that we've found so far. You will have to use this link for homework throughout the year. 

Colby Spanish Grammar


Click on the link below to look up new Spanish words and phrases.

Spanish English Dictionary