Our Vision

St. Anne's welcomes and respects all forms of diversity, including age, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, ability, sexual orientation and socio-economic status. Children, families, and faculty from diverse cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles clearly enrich the lives of one another on our campus, and St. Anne's continues to value and appreciate these contributions, talents, and varied perspectives.  Without these, our educational program, our community and our children's experiences would be incomplete.

Community Belonging and Engagement

St. Anne's acoge y respeta todas las formas de diversidad, incluidas la edad, la raza, la etnia, el sexo, la religión, la capacidad, la orientación sexual y el estatus socioeconómico. Los niños, las familias y el profesorado de diversas culturas, creencias y estilos de vida enriquecen claramente las vidas de unos y otros en nuestro campus, y St. Anne's sigue valorando y apreciando estas contribuciones, talentos y perspectivas variadas. Sin ellas, nuestro programa educativo, nuestra comunidad y las experiencias de nuestros niños estarían incompletos.

Our Program

Our Founding Sisters cared for the needs of children suffering from polio and tuberculosis in the early days of St. Anne’s.  Every child was welcomed inclusive of race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, family structure, religion, ability, and other identities.  

As our school emerged from its origins as a convalescent home for children, the Sisters recognized the unmet needs of those who were underserved by the public school system. Mother Irene championed differentiated instruction, saying, “You just need to teach them the way they learn." This firmly established the cornerstone of our foundation, emphasizing the notion that teaching must flexibly accommodate the myriad ways in which students learn. Since its very beginning, our school has stood as a bastion of social justice.

Presently, we uphold the enduring values of St. Anne's, which encompass community, curiosity, faith, compassion, and humility. These principles are the cornerstone of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion which we call Community Belonging and Engagement. The commitment to Community Belonging and Engagement extends seamlessly from our classrooms to our wider community.

The essence of our program lies in its alignment with our historical roots. Just as the Founding Sisters cared for the marginalized, our program strives to foster a sense of belonging for all individuals. We recognize that the work undertaken within our classrooms echoes beyond those walls, reinforcing our dedication to equality and inclusion.


Nuestras Hermanas Fundadoras atendieron las necesidades de los niños enfermos de poliomielitis y tuberculosis en los primeros días de Santa Ana. Todos los niños eran bienvenidos, independientemente de su raza, sexo, etnia, estatus socioeconómico, estructura familiar, religión, capacidad y otras identidades.

A medida que nuestra escuela emergía de sus orígenes como hogar de convalecencia para niños, las Hermanas reconocían las necesidades insatisfechas de aquellos que estaban desatendidos por el sistema escolar público. La Madre Irene defendió la instrucción diferenciada, diciendo: «Hay que enseñarles como aprenden». Esto estableció firmemente la piedra angular de nuestra fundación, haciendo hincapié en la noción de que la enseñanza debe adaptarse con flexibilidad a las múltiples formas de aprender de los alumnos. Desde sus inicios, nuestra escuela ha sido un bastión de la justicia social.

En la actualidad, defendemos los valores perdurables de Santa Ana, que abarcan la comunidad, la curiosidad, la fe, la compasión y la humildad. Estos principios son la piedra angular de nuestra Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión, que denominamos Pertenencia a la Comunidad y Compromiso. El compromiso de pertenencia a la comunidad y compromiso se extiende sin fisuras desde nuestras aulas a nuestra comunidad en general.

La esencia de nuestro programa reside en su alineación con nuestras raíces históricas. Al igual que las Hermanas Fundadoras se preocupaban por los marginados, nuestro programa se esfuerza por fomentar el sentido de pertenencia de todas las personas. Reconocemos que el trabajo que se lleva a cabo en nuestras aulas tiene eco más allá de esas paredes, reforzando nuestra dedicación a la igualdad y la inclusión.

Honoring Cultural and Heritage Months: Recognition in a Beloved Community


At St. Anne's Episcopal School, we wholeheartedly celebrate Cultural and Heritage Months as a means to commemorate pivotal historical moments, honor diverse cultures, and cultivate a deeper understanding of inclusivity, equity, and justice. These events offer invaluable opportunities for our beloved community to learn about the rich cultural history and significant contributions of various groups to American and global society. By thoughtfully incorporating these special days into our curriculum and various programming, we nurture empathy, inspire action, and reaffirm our dedication to fostering a more interconnected, equitable, and compassionate world. These days enrich our educational programs, expand our capacity for empathy, and motivate us to make a meaningful difference.


The heritages and cultures we highlight are based on promoting inclusivity and belonging, encouraging empathy and understanding in addition to student interest and curriculum.


  1. Asset-based opportunities for students to lead and/or inform activities/lessons/presentations

  2. Create culturally responsive learning opportunities within classes, chapels, and community offerings

  3. Deepen family–school partnership 

  4. Promote opportunities to participate in observances inside and outside of school, e.g., exhibits, service learning, lectures, workshops, and performances.

Belonging in Action

The Affinity and Alliance groups at St. Anne's create a space for students, parents, and caregivers who share similar backgrounds and experiences to come together in a secure environment. Here, they can openly share aspects of their histories, fostering shared connections within their community. Through these gatherings, we aim to facilitate a greater understanding of individual and collective narratives. Our goal is to offer a secure platform for significant, personal conversations that enhance a sense of belonging within our community, while also fostering a sense of ownership and pride in one's own identity.

One St. Anne's mission is to craft dynamic and captivating programs and events. Deeply rooted in the legacy of the Sisters and our St. Anne's heritage as a haven of inclusivity, One St. Anne's strives to nurture a cohesive community that thrives on diverse and compelling elements. Every facet within this tapestry holds significance, contributing a valued voice to the enrichment and vitality of St. Anne's. As our institution and the global landscape evolve, the enduring tradition of a warm and all-encompassing ethos will persist and flourish. This nurturing and protective journey finds expression through the initiatives and aspirations of the One St. Anne's committee.

Director of Community Belonging and Engagement

Miriah Royal

Director of Community Belonging and Engagement
Miriah Royal (she/her) has always been deeply committed to fostering inclusive communities, tracing her dedication back to her pre-professional days. Driven by a belief that social justice is a collective effort, she channels her passion through service, collaboration, and intentional programming. As the Director of Community Belonging & Engagement at St. Anne's Episcopal School, Miriah continues to build on her experience from her previous roles in and outside independent schools. Miriah's dedication to social justice extends beyond her professional life. She volunteers as a faculty member of the S.T.A.M.P conference, serves as the founder of Emboldened Ventures, a consulting company dedicated to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion for the outdoor industry, and actively contributes as a Board member of the Museum of Food and Culture. Miriah's journey demonstrates an unwavering commitment to shaping a more just, equitable, and loving world—one community at a time.