Reopening Plan Summary

(Last update 7/30)

Through thoughtful planning and a mission-focused approach, the SAFE (St. Anne’s Future in Education) Planning Team has developed a reopening plan that prioritizes health and safety, community and well-being, and academic excellence.  

The cohort and advisory model allows for safe distancing practices between students and faculty/staff, minimizes cross-cohort interaction, gives attention to personal hygiene, and prioritizes daily COVID-19 health precautions and practices. Campus-wide enhancements to our physical space, like repurposed classrooms, designated handwashing stations, and dedicated entry points, have made this model possible. 

Through this model, our teachers will build a nurturing community that is student-centered and focused on the social-emotional well-being of each student. Friendships will blossom in these family-like groups, and students will engage in activities that cultivate these unique connections during this extraordinary time. 

With smaller class sizes, cohort leaders and advisors will provide individualized attention to meet the needs of students’ academic and social-emotional growth. Student-teacher bonds will transform these cohort communities into places of trust, learning, fun, and imagination. 

With countless technology upgrades around campus, teachers will continue to deliver impactful lessons via video streaming to partner rooms and to students at home. Lessons from both the lead and co-curricular teachers will challenge and inspire students

While campus will look and feel different in the fall, our mission to educate minds, enrich hearts, and expand horizons empowers us to continue to grow good people. 

The SAFE Planning Team believes the cohort model is the future for the 2020-2021 school year. It prioritizes safety, allows us to reduce risk and manage contact tracing, and more importantly, allows kids to be kids at the school they know and love. 



Our Commitment, Our Reopening: A SAFER St. Anne's

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Bill will try to get to as many questions as he can during the event. 

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